Initiatives and Projects

We’re the largest socialist organization in the US. We’re also a big tent socialist organization, allowing many streams of socialist thought among our membership. The multifaceted membership makes us pretty good at combating capitalism and fascism. It’s important for folks like us, especially anarchists and communists to be involved in DSA so we can poke and prod the wider radical American left into action.

Working Groups

Our working groups are all volunteer run and community centered. They are staffed and organized by everyday working class people fighting to make our communities stronger and more empowered. Take a look at some of our working groups and projects that your community is working on, and join us in struggling for a better future.

Have an idea for a better Richmond? Contact us and start building community today.

  • Electoral Working Group

    The Electoral Working Group of Richmond’s DSA chapter aims to mobilize support for local politicians who have demonstrated a commitment to championing progressive causes. It recognizes that endeavors to transform our communities through electoral avenues can coexist in symbiosis with other means of dismantling the status quo.

    Learn More: Electoral Working Group
  • Ecosocialist Working Group

    The Eco-Socialist Working Group of the Richmond chapter of DSA was organized for the purpose of empowering those concerned about our quickly-warming climate and the deteriorating state of the environment. We advocate for climate and environmental justice in and around Richmond, through a variety of means including supporting candidates for office who pledge support for…

    Learn More: Ecosocialist Working Group
  • Palestine Working Group

    Solidarity without Palestine isn’t Solidarity. Our Palestine working group is dedicated to bringing a lasting ceasefire to Palestine. Our working group has been hard at work building a coalition in Richmond to deliver: Our working group is mainly driven by our Antizionist Jewish community members. Our Work We have spent the past year pushing for…

    Learn More: Palestine Working Group
  • Tenant Organizing Working Group

    RDSA’s Tenant Organizing Working Group works in close-collaboration with the Richmond Tenants’ Union to assist Richmond-area renters in building counter-power against their landlords through tenant unions and associations.

    Learn More: Tenant Organizing Working Group
  • Solidarity Fund

    RDSA is building a member solidarity fund to provide material support comrades when times our tough. We reject an economic order based solely on private profit and are committed to applying mutual aid principles to combat the immiseration our present system naturally creates.

    Learn More: Solidarity Fund
  • Labor Working Group

    The Richmond DSA’s Labor Working Group is a worker-first, action-oriented program to make connections with and support workers in the Richmond area.

    Learn More: Labor Working Group
  • Socialist Reading Group

    Everyone is welcome to join us as we collectively read and discuss selected works covering left-wing theory, history, and practice from a variety of diverse authors. Members and non-members welcome!

    Learn More: Socialist Reading Group