Are you passionate about building a more just and equitable society in Richmond? Join the Richmond chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America! We’re a community of activists working together to advance progressive causes and create positive change in our city.
Together, we can work towards a Richmond that puts people over profits and ensures everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Join Richmond DSA today and be part of the movement for positive change in our community!
The Richmond Democratic Socialists of America (RDSA) reject an economic order based solely on private profit, alienated labor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based on race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo.
Working Groups form the backbone of our organizations work. Working Groups are volunteer run and centered, and organized by volunteers passionate about making their community better.
Want to start a campaign or Working Group to make Richmond a better place? Contact us
The Eco-Socialist Working Group of the Richmond chapter of DSA was organized for the purpose of empowering those concerned about our quickly-warming climate and the deteriorating state of the environment. We advocate for climate and environmental justice in and around Richmond, through a variety of means including supporting candidates for office who pledge support for…
Solidarity without Palestine isn’t Solidarity. Our Palestine working group is dedicated to bringing a lasting ceasefire to Palestine. Our working group has been hard at work building a coalition in Richmond to deliver: Our working group is mainly driven by our Antizionist Jewish community members. Our Work We have spent the past year pushing for…
RDSA’s Tenant Organizing Working Group works in close-collaboration with the Richmond Tenants’ Union to assist Richmond-area renters in building counter-power against their landlords through tenant unions and associations.
RDSA is building a member solidarity fund to provide material support comrades when times our tough. We reject an economic order based solely on private profit and are committed to applying mutual aid principles to combat the immiseration our present system naturally creates.
The Richmond DSA’s Labor Working Group is a worker-first, action-oriented program to make connections with and support workers in the Richmond area.
Everyone is welcome to join us as we collectively read and discuss selected works covering left-wing theory, history, and practice from a variety of diverse authors. Members and non-members welcome!
Community building is hard. We spent the previous Thursday working on our organization bylaws. It’s boring and dry work, but I love the community that comes with every general meeting. You get to meet people from all walks of life, working class folks who are dreaming of a better world. I got to meet two…
Disclaimer: This work is an opinion-piece piece written by an individual member of RDSA. The content does not necessarily reflect positions taken by RDSA, the membership, or steering. By Violet Rose, RDSA Member You might encourage a philosophy where you embrace each positive moment and seize whatever benefits you can. This approach can only be…
Disclaimer: This work is an opinion-piece piece written by an individual member of RDSA. The content does not necessarily reflect positions taken by RDSA, the membership, or steering. By Violet Rose, RDSA Member Many in the country are reacting to or desperately trying to cope with the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn…
In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, DSA Richmond would like to remind everyone to be safe by practicing social distancing and stricter personal hygiene measures. We have all been caught unprepared by this outbreak, and the structure of our society – capitalism – has exacerbated it. We can build the alternative to capitalism now…
Join us Tuesday, June 18th for our monthly General Meeting. Doors open at 6:30pm. We will meet downstairs in the Metropolitan Community Church (2501 Park Avenue). Learn how to get involved in your local chapter! AGENDA
The Richmond Coliseum is already the busiest such arena in the state, and the notion that replacing it will somehow address Richmond’s worst problems, such as poverty and the underfunding of our school system, is a farce.
At a time when violence against transgender people is on the rise in the United States, we need to, at the very least, recognize the active threat the policies and rhetoric of the Trump administration pose to the transgender community.
Police will do whatever they can to stifle the working class’s self determination. Nothing frightens them more. Nothing reminds them more of their complicity in state violence and class warfare than a holiday that celebrates the working class’s martyrs, achievements, and culture.